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Monday, March 3, 2025

Kanab trip Feb 24-28 2025.

 I scored a permit for South Coyote Buttes for 6 people so I invited People with Jeeps to come with me. It is not wise to risk taking a lone Subaru on this sandy road. We drove over on Monday and used our permit on Tuesday.  Being February with some rain the previous week and cool weather to prevent the sand from getting too dry we had no problems. My subaru does have a lift and all terrain tires for almost 10 inches of clearance. I aired down to 20 psi and had no traction problems.

Staying the whole week we also hit White Pocket and White Valley with the rest of out time

We started out from the parking lot toward the south west trying to find a landmark called Chocolate Swirl But we cliffed out before finding it. We did find a new column on the ridge ahead.

Elephant Head rock?

The rocks all have very strange shapes.

This is looking NE toward West Clark Bench where Edmaiers secret is. The Wave is just 2.5 miles North from where we are now.

West Clark Bench

We found just this one good fin . Nothing to compare to Edmaiers Secret.

The patterns in the rock are amazing. This section is on the way back to the main area of South Coyote buttes after we had messed around in the south section looking for the Chocolate Swirl.

Half and Half rock

The control tower.

The Witches Hat

Butte at the head of the southern wave.

Manzanita was the only flower we found.

This is called the Southern Wave. The regular WAVE is in North Coyote Buttes.

One of the Dinosaur tracks down the wash from the southern Wave.

Returning home we passed the Condor release facility and saw some condors on the cliffs and the empty cage where they are raised.

The next day was for White Pocket. The road there starts out the same as south Coyote buttes but goes a little further. Maybe 12 miles vs 9 miles one way. It has a lot of sand and some rock out crops but is very much the same as the road to South Coyote buttes. The only difference is that it is a little longer and gets much more traffic that can tear up the road.

The first view of White Pocket about 50 yards up the trail from the parking lot.

The rocks here are like South Coyote Buttes but different Colors.

We headed off the the right of this white hill to find the petroglyphs.

White pocket itself is not large. Two hours is probably enough time there. But there are nearby buttes that look interesting and could take up a couple of days.

The third day was for a new hike at White Valley between Kanab and Page AZ. We expected to find Hoodoos there and difficult terrain If we were going to make it a loop hike.

It started off flat and easy walking toward the tall butte in the center but veering off to the right.into a side canyon where the zebra hoodoo is.

Near the end of the side drainage where the Zebra Hoodoo is.

Zebra hoodoo

How tall it is.

We turned around an found a way over the ridge, now on our left side, that will take us to the main White Canyon.

A coal seam up high?

These rocks dark green and red. They eroaded out of a section of cliff with the same colors.

Same colors in a band on the cliffs 

A shot on the sunny side.

Hoodoos just before climbing over the ridge to white valley and they have the same color stripes 

The obvious path over the ridge turned out very steep with a washed out section with no foot holds. We ended up climbing straight up the soft clay to the top of the ridge. Next time I will try the middle route 

As does this Cliff.

First view of White Valley.

A badlands with a thousand hoodoos 

They call this one the dromedary hoodoo 

Green stripe hoodoo

Edging around the dromedary hoodoo.

We then left that wash and traveled over an open ridge to another section of the same system looking for the Twisted hoodoo.

There is more red color on this side.

The Twisted hoodoo. Unbelievably narrow base.

We couldn't find a way into the bottom of the canyon to make it a loop hike and ended up going back the same way.