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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Ruby Mountains, Island lake, and Thomas canyon

This was one of two short hikes planned. One to Island Lake and another to Thomas Canyon. Both about 4 miles and 1500 ft of elevation.

 The trail starts out contouring around the hills from the same parking lot as the Liberty pass trail, but in the other direction.
 Larkspur were plentiful along this trail.

 Stonecrop was also plentiful around rocky areas,

 This hike was mostly in open sagebrush hills.

 It passed several areas where water flowed and there were many flowers.

 Western Columbine.

 Richardson Geranium

 Sego lilly

Island lake

Trail around the lake

Orange mountain dandelion

Corn Lilies

Wild Onions

Thomas Canyon

The Rubys are known as the Alps of Nevada

Small pool and waterfall

Twin berry


Beaver house

Hiking through the meadow toward the waterfall

Waterfall at the end of our hike

Monkey flower

Felwort, a member of the Gentian family


Ruby Mountains, Liberty pass.

The hike to Liberty pass did not start off very promising. There was a light rain and solid overcast. The hike was about 7 miles and about 1700 feet.

 Corn Lilies were blooming all over the place.

 Starting out on the trail.


 Fire weed


 There was a lot more water in the Rubys than in southern NV.

 Some crossings had nice bridges.

 Group shot among the flowers.

 Tall Mountain Bluebells

 Parry's Primrose.

 View of liberty lake after going over the pass to an overlook where you can see the lake.

When we got back to the cars the sun came out. but on the way down it rained and was windy and very cold.